We make 2 different ecommerce solutions available to our clients.
We have a content management system with simple but solid ecommerce capabilities.
It's a lowcost systems for businesses on a tight budget.
We also have a fully featured ecommerce solution available which you can take a look at by clicking the following link.
Ecommerce Demo
It incorporates many different features such as:
Global Ecommerce Ready
- multiple language support
- multiple tax support
- multiple shipping methods
- multiple currency support
- multiple payment methods
Customer Status Modes
- unrestricted shopping
- must register to view prices
- must register to view prices and merchandise
- showroom only
Categories and Products
- unlimited category depth
- physical merchandise
- downloadable virtual products
- products can reside in multiple categories
- product options as dropdowns, radio buttons, checkboxes, and text input
Promotions, Sales and Discounts
- individual special prices
- global sale reductions
- category-wide sale prices
- discount coupons
- customer group discounts
- quantity discounts
- one-time charges
- minimum and maximum purchases per product
- prices by attributes
Fully Customizable Catalog Templates
- XHTML 1.0 compliant - nearly table-less layout
- change the colors, fonts and many graphics using Cascading Stylesheets
- add, move, remove sideboxes via the Admin Tool
- template overrides that do not get overwritten during upgrades
- override functionality without having to learn PHP
- create as many different looks as you would like and choose them from the admin
Catalog Status Modes
- showcase mode without prices
- showcase mode with prices
- normal shopping mode
- down for maintenance mode
Customer Retention Tools
- periodic newsletter in plain text or HTML
- order status emails and records in the customer account
- referral tools
- gift certificates
Powerful Administration Tool
- configure your minimum and maximum values, image sizes and customer details
- choose which layout settings to use for the spotlight listings
- pick which details to show on your product details page
- edit your policies pages with HTML (if desired)
- add, delete, move, link or copy your products
- create and manage your product attributes
- manage product reviews, featured products, specials and storewide sales
- shipping and payment module installation and management
- price and taxation control
- banner advertising controls
- newsletter creation and sending
- content management tool, easily add new content pages